individualni-vypocet-cenyCreating a comprehensive quotation management of commercial and non-commercial space associated with many factors.
For creating offer, we would like to know:

  • Where and how look like locality?
  • The amount of space?
  • How old is buildings?
  • Počet komerčních či bytových jednotek?
  • Managing the surrounding land yes / no?
  • Technical design (heating, plumbing, elevators …?)

We recommend that you meet in person on the spot.

Please suggest an appointment contact us.

CENÍK ÚKLIDU BYTU/DOMU ( Cleaning work pricelist )

Pravidelný úklid bytu – 1x týdně ( Regular cleaning of the apartment / once aweek)


Plocha(area / to a size)

Celková cena(Total price / from)


do 40 m2

od 590 Kč


do 55 m2

od 690 Kč


do 75 m2

od 890 Kč


do 100 m2

od 1090 Kč

Větší (bigger)

nad (over) 100 m2

po dohodě (by agreement)

Jednorázový celkový úklid bytu ( One-time total cleaning of the apartment )

Byt(appartment to a size)


Po rekonstrukci(after reconstruction):

1+1 (do 40 m2)

od 1 990 Kč

+ 50 %

2+1 (do 55 m2)

od 2 490 Kč

+ 50 %

3+1 (do 75 m2)

od 3 090 Kč

+ 50 %

4+1 (do 100 m2)

od 3 990 Kč

+ 50 %

nad (over) 100 m2

dle dohody(by agreement)

dle dohody(by agreement)

Pozn.:Ceny jsou uvedeny bez DPH 21% / Prices don`t include VAT 21%